August 20 2024

Chameleon Software’s Bulk Case Erasure Service

Winter is almost over, and with that comes the dreaded Spring Clean… But the team here at Chameleon Software can help with that!

Over time, your Case Manager can build up a large amount of cases and data that you no longer need. In the medical industry, a lot of this data is sensitive and you may not wish to retain it for a long period of time.

To assist with the ‘tidy up’ process, Case Manager’s standard functionality allows you to review and erase data on a case-by-case basis:

But what if you have a large volume of cases and data that you wish to have erased in bulk?

We are pleased to advise that our Professional Services Team have a new offering to do just that.

By reaching out to our team via ‘’, we can not only help you identify a list of cases that are eligible for erasure, but we can also use our scripting expertise to carry out the process for you in bulk.

This will save you from needing to comb through each case one-by-one.

Reach out today for a quote!

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